Powering Alzheimer’s research with GenCefe’s products and services

World Alzheimer’s Day is observed on September 21 every year as part of Alzheimer’s Month. The theme of World Alzheimer’s Day 2023 is “Never too early never too late”. This theme not only highlights the critical importance of identifying risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, but also promotes proactive measures to mitigate or even prevent the onset of dementia.

As an expert in  gene synthesis , GenCefe Biotech is committed to supporting Alzheimer's disease research with high-quality plasmid products and customized services. We licensed in a plasmid library and can provide ready-made plasmids for genes related to Alzheimer's disease research, which can be shipped within 3 days at the fastest. We can also provide custom  gene synthesis and  plasmid preparation to meet your specific needs.

Alzheimer's Disease Related Plasmid

Cat. No. Gene Name Species Vector Tag Size Price
BZ0134-2 APP Human pcDNA3.1(+) C-End: Flag 2 μg $89

C-End: Flag

Fluorescent: copGFP 

2 μg $89
BZ8262 PSEN1 Human pTOPO 2 μg $69
BZ17597 PSEN2 Human pOTB7 2 μg $69
BZ0132-2 APOE Human pcDNA3.1(+) C-End: Flag 2 μg $89
BZ0132-1 APOE Human pCDH-CMV-EF1A-EGFP-T2A-PURO C-End: Flag
Fluorescent: copGFP
2 μg $89
BZ4258 CLU Human pCMV-SPORT6 2 μg $89
BZ10810 SORL1 Human pCDNA3.1 C-End: Flag 2 μg $199
BZ7426 CD33 Human pCMV-SPORT6 2 μg $69
BZ620 MS4A Human pENTR223 2 μg $139
BZ4184 TREM2 Human pECMV C-End: Flag 2 μg $89
BZ16319 BIN1 Human pOTB7 2 μg $69
BZ5683 CD2AP Mouse pECMV-Cd2ap-m-FLAG C-End: Flag 2 μg $89
BZ25735 EPHA1 Human pCR4-TOPO 2 μg $89
BZ9502 HLA-DRB5/HLA-DRB1 Human pOTB7 2 μg $69
BZ26932 INPP5D Human pCR4-TOPO 2 μg $109
BZ7805 MEF2C Human pBlueScriptR 2 μg $69
BZ7088 CASS4 (1-1953bp) Human pCMV-SPORT6 2 μg $89
BZ7987 PTK2B Human pBlueScriptR 2 μg $89

We have more than 50,000 plasmids in stock. If your gene of interest is not in the list, please contact our technical support. Also we are now offering a special promotion--gene synthesis starts from $0.09/bp, valid through October 31st.

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